Training & Courses

Information regarding the content and location of 6 network-wide TRANSCEND training courses

Training Programme

The specific training programme for each fellow was developed between the fellow and the scientific contact in the main host institution (PhD supervisor) within the first 3 months of the employment of the fellow.

Each ESR spends time doing research at the host and other partner institution (in particular industry) and attends network wide and other training courses

Six training courses

The training programme was delivered by the network partners, world leading experts from outside the network and consultants known to us for specialist complimentary skills courses, such as scientific writing.

Content and location of 6 network-wide training courses


  • Introduction of Cementitious Materials

    Maastricht, the Netherlands

  • Writing workshop and specimen preparation

    Lausanne, Switzerland

  • Sorption and transport processes of Cementitious Materials

    Lund, Sweden


  • Modelling transport and characterization techniques of cementitious materials

    Lausanne, Switzerland

  • From microstructure to performance testing

    Barcelona, Spain

  • Innovation of cementitious materials

    Lyon, France

Dissemination conferences

Mid-Term conference

Dates: August 30-31, 2012
Location: Leuven, BE

Final conference

Dates: November 3-6, 2013
Location: Surrey, UK